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rupali-codes's github profile

LinksHub is an open source Hub of ready-to-use tech resources. It contains links to free resources such as images, fonts, color, animation, languages and many more.


sshiwangi's github profile

reactjs Quiz is a user-friendly WebApp that presents a set of four answer choices for each question. By selecting the appropriate option, users can swiftly evaluate their performance and receive a calculated score based on the number of correct answers.

Note Application

Snach13's github profile

Here is the android clean architecture based Note taking application take a look off it !!

Movie recommender system

Abhinavcode13's github profile

A movie recommender system is a type of algorithmic software that provides personalized recommendations of movies to users based on their viewing history, preferences, and behavior.


Sahilll15's github profile

bookify is an e-commerce platform specialized in selling books. Built with ReactJS, NodeJS, JWT authentication, and integrated with Postman for API testing, bookify offers a wide selection of books for book lovers.


AbhishekPSingh07's github profile

Building anime recommendation system based only on user viewing history, Genre and other features


btreezy's github profile

Made an attractive checkout page.


Sahilll15's github profile

Anonymous_Social is a unique social media platform where users can post comments and manage their profiles anonymously. Built using Node.js, ReactJS, ExpressJS, Tailwind CSS, and MongoDB, this platform ensures user privacy while fostering engaging interactions.

Leads Tracker

mohitparmar1's github profile

its a tracker that track our important tabs

Med.Ez(Medicine management system)

raj3000k's github profile

This project some basic functionality that shop owner can add medicine and see all history for buying products This is a pharmacy management System, it helps the users to ADD, REMOVE and Modify the medicine details